There is a well-established system inthe college for the optimum use of available infrastructure and its regularmaintenance. The college has standard system for this purpose which sharesresponsibilities among all staff members. There is effective distribution anddelegation of responsibilities controlled and monitored by Principal. Differentcommittees are formed in college for efficient utilization and maintenance offacilities. Financial obligations for maintenance are met by Janbhagidarisamiti sanction. Agenda for financial sanction of maintenance purpose isprepared with discussion with stakeholders and sanctioned by Janbhagidaisamiti.
According to the requirements of theteaching departments of the College all the laboratory equipment, specimens,Chemicals and glassware are purchased through the office of Principal andpurchase committee. For maintenance and repair of sophisticated instrumentsauthorized engineers are hired according to the necessity.
There is a good infrastructure oflaboratories in the college and there are separate labs in each departmentwhere practical is the part of the prescribed syllabus. These labs are wellequipped with necessary experimental facilities and are upgraded annually withthe addition of equipment and other practical related materials.
The laboratories are used by all thepractical subject students in the groups under the expert supervision ofexperienced teachers and with the logistic support of other lab staff. Thestudents are given optimum exposure of experimental learning and it is ensuredthat each student must know about the procedure and method to conduct theexperiments.
The Laboratory-incharge or the concernedteacher/staff maintains the record of equipment, any other material and furniturein the laboratory.
Library: The central library of the Institution has enough number of bookswhich are catalogued by subjects. A permanent Librarian has been appointed bythe state Government for the focus on availability and utilization of availableliterature for teaching and learning. Reading room is well maintained. Teachers andstudents get books issued for a set time period. Procurement of books as perthe requirement is initiated and ensured by Library advisory committee. Yearlystock verification is done by the verification committee. The record offootfall by students and faculties in the library is maintained on regularbasis. The library is also open for community and alumnae in certain monthdays.
Sports Complex:
The necessary goods and sportsarticles are purchased by the office of the principal as per therecommendations of the sport secretary and the advisor of the Student Union ofthe college. The college authority purchases them by calling quotations fromthe reputed sport outlets. Periodically necessary steps have taken by theauthority to develop the sport activities of the students.
College has well established sportsfacilities which are properly and efficiently utilized. Students are motivatedto use available sports gear and ground for training and practice. The Collegesports students regularly Sports ground is maintained before sports session.Grass cutting and levelling is done and prepared for sports activity.
Computers: College has morethan 80 computers in departments, office and labs and library. Computers are maintainedby local vendors and Computer Science department. Antivirus and software incomputers are regularly updated through internet services available in campus.Computers are well organised with proper electricity and Internet connections.For efficient utilization computers are allotted to departments, labs, libraryand office. For proper utilization printers are made available to departmentswhere teachers and students can have printouts. Cartridge refilling; repairjobs; bill payment; and uninterrupted internet connectivity in the college istaken care by the College administration.
Classrooms: There are twosections of buildings in the infrastructure of Institution, the old and the newbuilding. The Old building is more than 30 years old and the Classrooms in thisbuilding are regularly maintained and repaired. New building with all necessaryfacilities was inaugurated in the year 2018 which is being used for UG and PGclasses. Institute regularly communicates with Public Works Department andhigher education departments for up gradation and maintenance of existingfacilities. In the year 2019 Rs 70 Lakhs have been sanctioned by RUSA for themaintenance of old building, at present the renovation of old section is inprogress.
Classrooms and building are utilizedfully as per their utility.
CCTV Surveillance:
CCTV is installed at all theprominent and sensitive places of college and its maintenance is done accordingto the requirement.
Other Support Facilities:
1. There are separatecommittees for maintaining all these facilities.
2. There are LabTechnicians in every department who maintains the stock register by physicallyverifying the items time to time.
3. Department wiseannual stock verification is done by the respective Heads of the Departments.
4. Regularmaintenance of Computer Laboratory equipment’s are done by Laboratory Assistantalong with Laboratory attendant.
5. Regularcleaning of water tanks, proper garbage disposal, pest control, landscaping andmaintenance of lawns is done by Institute concern Employees.
6. College campus maintenance is monitoredthrough regular inspection.